After a remarkable life-long career in the travel industry, Dad would be so thrilled AmaMagna is so innovative and AmaWaterways is once again setting the standard. He would take great pride in Rudi, Kristin and Gary being on the cutting edge.

Setting foot inside Jimmy’s Restaurant, in a way, felt like coming home. The photos of Dad and our family up on the wall made Gary and me feel so grateful. The atmosphere was relaxed, friendly, and welcoming, with an understated elegance – all traits that would describe Dad. The interior designer knew Dad well and it shows. The tables, lighting, furnishings and fabrics all come together to create a gorgeous welcoming space. The family atmosphere of the restaurant is so fitting to who Dad was.
When he wasn’t traveling for work, Dad was home every night for dinner. He would literally be walking in the door when his plate was being put on the table. The six of us had lively conversation – and you couldn’t get a word in edgewise with free-flowing conversation around the table. It was the same at Jimmy’s! In fact, it was conversations – and curiosity – that kept Dad young. He drove to the office in Calabasas from Pacific Palisades, and on his way, he would pick up day laborers and hitchhikers. We were nervous it would be unsafe, but Dad loved hearing their stories and having someone to talk to on the way to work.

Many of AmaWaterways’ staff describe him as kind and the consummate gentleman. He went out to lunch every day and would often walk out into the different office departments and ask someone to join him, forging relationships that lasted years. He also loved getting to know everyone involved with creating AmaWaterways’ ships – from the designers and builders to the hotel management and nautical engineers to the Cruise Managers. Dad would be so touched the name of the restaurant was chosen by AmaWaterways’ staff, and that they’d honor their bond with him this way is very heartwarming to our whole family.
This restaurant is such a lovely honor and keeps him very much a part of the company. Each night the waiter comes by every table to say a few words about Dad’s role as a Co-Founder of AmaWaterways. It makes everyone feel they are somewhere very special.

The food was, of course, delicious and plentiful, but also homier, with guests asking to have plates passed down for seconds. The wine pairings were excellent. The challenge is to keep the waiter from filling the glass the minute one’s head is turned!
Finally, it was wonderful having my daughter Anna at the event. It was lovely to have a representative of the next Murphy generation to participate in the toast with so many who respected and cared for “Granddad.” Of course, now the rest of the Murphy clan wants to dine at Jimmy’s!
Experience the magic of Jimmy’s for yourself on board the AmaMagna during one of our Danube River itineraries.