Four weeks in Europe! Jetlagged? A little. Thankful? A lot.

I’ve just returned from a month long oversees trip where I was able to cruise onboard two of our beautiful European ships; spend some time getting to know our new UK sales team; interact with an incredible mix of business contacts at World Travel Mart; review enhancements to our product offering with our fantastic operations team in Basel; touch base with loyal travel agents and their clients in Atlantic Canada and finally drop in on my daughter in Virginia on my journey home to California for Thanksgiving!

It may seem like a pretty hectic schedule but I have returned home more invigorated and prouder than ever of the people and the company that Rudi and I envisioned building back in 2002.

Jetlag does have its benefits… it allowed me some quiet time of reflection last night and given the spirit of the season, I wanted to share with you five important things that I am truly thankful for.

The Ama-zing teams we have in the offices and onboard our ships – you are truly part of a very special family as it is you that bring to life the quality of service and guest care that Rudi and I dreamed of when we started AmaWaterways almost 15 years ago.

Our travel agent partners – without you investing your time in attending our training sessions, calling in for our webinars or experiencing our river cruises, we would never be able to explain to new clients the true value of an AmaWaterways river cruise.

Our loyal guests – you are such powerful ambassadors of our brand and my heart is warmed by all the feedback that you share with us and post on social media.

Our extended families and friends – while work often takes Rudi and I away from our family and friends, I am so grateful that many of you have been able to join us onboard our ships this year and share with us some very special moments.

And finally…. I am most thankful to be working in the travel industry where I am able to do my part to encourage tolerance and acceptance by showcasing, through our cruises and teams onboard, the wonderful diversity of race, color, language, religion and customs around the world and the richness this brings to our lives.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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