La Chaine des Rotisseurs

Last month, I sailed aboard our newest European river cruise ship, the AmaSonata. As always, our crew did an amazing job. All of our guests, including many travel agents and members of the media, were so happy with the experience.

One event in particular event made this cruise especially memorable.

Our corporate chef/director of food and beverage, Primus Perchtold received an honor from George Mueller, an Ambassador of the La Chaine des Rotisseurs. Founded in Paris, Chaine des Rotisseurs is the oldest gastronomic society in the world. Its membership spans more than 90 countries. We’re the only river cruise line that has ever been invited to join.

It was an honor in itself to have Mueller aboard our ship. He’s a member of the James Beard Foundation and a well-known expert on the history of wine and glassware. He awarded a medal to Primus in front of all our guests. It’s the first time that such an award was given to a chef on board a river cruise ship!

Of course, Primus is no stranger to awards. He’s earned three gold medals at the European Championship of Culinary Art in Nuremberg, More important, he is warm, approachable and hospitable. He loves what he does and we are so grateful to be working with him. 

I too was also honored with a medal from Mueller on the AmaSonata. It was given on behalf of the Academie de Gastronomie Brillat-Savarin. The Academie is part of the Chaine des Rotisseurs, dedicated to promoting excellence in the food industry. Its namesake is Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin, the famous gastronome who wrote:

“Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are.”

It was quite special to receive the award; and in turn, promise to continue to the tradition of fine food.  

I must say that’s a promise that won’t be hard to keep.

If you’ve sampled Primus’ handiwork over the years you will surely agree with me. We invite you to experience his award-winning culinary creations first-hand. Creating a memorable cruise experience for our guests is the best reward of all.

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