After reaching Weissenkirchen, you’ll be treated to several choices of excursions. Take a walking tour of Dürnstein before visiting the UNESCO-designated Melk Abbey. For a more culinary-focused experience, join a walking tour in Dürnstein, then enjoy a wine tasting hosted by a local vintner and sample special apricot treats from a local boutique. If you prefer a more active adventure, hike up to the fortress where Richard the Lionheart was once held or join a guided bike tour to Melk. Later in the day, sail through the Strudengau and Wachau valleys to medieval Grein and be treated to an exquisite wine tasting at Austria's historic Burg Clam located on the cliffs high above the nearby village of Clam. While nestled deep within this majestic and historic setting, enjoy the opportunity to sample a few local vintages. Wines from this region tend to have a pronounced freshness, spiciness, finesse and complexity. (B,L,D)