Basic Words and Phrases to Know in Dutch

Learning the language of one of the countries you’re visiting can go a long way to making your journey that much more of a culturally immersive experience. Cruise Manager, Rolf J., shares a few words that might be helpful when you’re in the Netherlands. Dutch is also the official language of Flanders, the neighboring northern provinces of Belgium.

Spreek je Engels? (sprāk yuh ing-gulls)

Translation: Do you speak English?

Tot Ziens! (tot zeens)

Translation: See you later!

Goededag (who yin dach)

Translation: Hello (literally, it’s “good-day,” and can be used any time from morning until around 5 p.m.)

Kan u geld wisselen? (kahn uu ghelt WIS-suh-lun?)

Translation: Can you change money for me?

Dank je / Dank u (dank oo vell)

Translation: Thanks (familiar) / Thank you (polite)

Waar is het toilet? (wahr is hut twah-LET?)

Translation: Where is the restroom?

Hoeveel kost dit? (HOO-vale kost dit?)

Translation: How much is this?

Mag ik het menu, alstublieft? (magh ick hut muh-NUU ALS-tuu-bleeft?)

Translation: Can I look at the menu, please?

Practice your Dutch while cruising the Dutch & Belgian Waterways on our Tulip Time and Best of Holland & Belgium itineraries or in Amsterdam when you cruise along the Rhine River

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