The Fabric of our Love

Beautiful, practical and easy to pack, AmaWaterways’ scarves, available in most destinations, are a beloved gift that appears in staterooms occupied by female guests.* But where did the idea for this unique keepsake originate?

History of AmaWaterways’ Scarves

In the early years of river cruising, guests were often given tote bags as mementos, no matter which line they sailed with. However, AmaWaterways’ Co-Founder and Executive Vice President, Kristin Karst, said, “We wanted to create our own unique personality.” Whether providing warmth on a flight or brisk day ashore or adding that extra “oomph” to dinner attire, scarves checked several boxes in what AmaWaterways was looking for in a gift. And best of all – they folded flat, making them easy for guests to pack and bring home.

An Annual Accessory

Since 2013, a new scarf color and design has been introduced every year, giving repeat guests a chance to amass an array of these distinct accessories in a rainbow of colors. “We see guests and travel advisors alike collecting the scarves, wearing them around town and at conferences proudly,” said Kristin. “Many say they can’t wait to come on another river cruise to take home their next one.”

If you have enjoyed an unforgettable experience on board, wearing your scarf weaves some of that special AmaWaterways magic into your everyday life – and wraps you up in our love until the next time we see you again.

Finding a Common Thread Across the World

Loyal guest Judie Parr Graham-Bell shared with us a heartwarming story about how an AmaWaterways scarf united her with a virtual stranger who recognized the design while attending a conference in Dubai. Another guest shared on our Loyalty Facebook Group about her daughter wearing one of our scarves as a head covering while riding a camel through Egypt.

How Do You Tie Your Knot?

AmaWaterways’ scarves are versatile and can be worn as pashminas with evening wear, to cover one’s hair or tied around the neck in a variety of ways. Show us how you wear yours at #AmaWaterways.

Join us on one of our 2025 sailings and you may just add a new scarf to your collection!

*Men on board typically receive an AmaWaterways logo hat; however, limited supplies may be available for guests that may wish to switch their gift.

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