Grand Seine & Bordeaux 2025 Connections

We have gathered these unique stories, recipes, interviews, and testimonials to enrich and inspire you before your journey with AmaWaterways. In anticipation of your upcoming river cruise, we hope you see how an unforgettable travel experience can truly be yours when sailing with us along the rivers of Europe, Asia, Africa and South America.

Nestled in the French countryside between Libourne and Castillon-la-Bataille, the small village of Saint-Émilion is a jewel of the Bordeaux wine region.Read more
There are few things as quintessentially French as cycling through the French countryside.Read more
Imagine yourself a part of a Monet masterpiece as you step into his lovely gardens at Giverny.Read more

Experience More Connections

Discover Clam Castle in the hills of Austria
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From 5000 BCE to modern day, learn about the first people to call the Nile River their home.
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Plan a longer journey in Europe as The Paquins have during their incredible river cruise experiences
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